This year the Tutkijaliitto Summer School focused on the decolonisation of thought. In recent decades, feminist and decolonial researchers and activists in particular have explored the effect of colonial, patriarchal, and capitalist power relations on othered groups, as well as on the whole of Western thought. The othered voices are seldom present in the Western canon: instead of dialogue and mutually exchanging knowledge, othered groups are often reduced to objects of study.
But what happens when the perspective of the colonised and marginalised challenges the very tradition of Western thought? When the hierarchical divisions between the researcher and the object of study come apart, and the problematic nature of the inherited categories and concepts is revealed? When it becomes clear that the Western white man has no exclusive birthright to conceptual thought?
Kumu publishes a selection of presentations held in Tutkijaliitto Summer School.
You can listen to presentations by clicking the name of the presentation. By clicking the name with the right button of the mouse, you can choose to download the presentation.
Eetu Viren
Viveiros de Castro and ‘Decolonizing Thought’
(34 min)
Martta Heikkilä
Whose Aesthetics? Colonisation and Decolonisation in Art Philosophy
(30 min)
Faith Mkwesha
The Ancestor is Epistemic: A Black Decolonial Feminist Critique of Eurocentric Practices in Research
(29 min)
Leonardo Custodio
Decolonial Traditions in Communication Research
(20 min)
Giovanni Campailla
Balibar’s Trajectory as Decolonisation of the Western Leftist Thought
(29 min)
Aura Sevón
Decolonizing Silence in Marguerite Duras’ film Nathalie Granger (1972)
(27 min)
Minna Seikkula
Decolonial Critique and Academic Practice
(33 min)
David Muoz
Praxis and Aesthetic Dimension in Translation
(30 min)
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